Finally, we can make high grade and 100% waterproof concrete with desert sand

The solution is 


The World’s most advanced concrete additive based on our proprietary Nano technology

Additive that turns desert sand into concrete

There is no longer a need for importing processed building sand. Simply use the locally available sand. 

Produce cheaper and stronger concrete

Tritonite makes the concrete stronger and waterproof.

Disrupting today`s market

Even countries with large deposits of desert sand, need to import building sand for billions of dollars every year. Trionite however, will challenge this reality. These countries, will now be sand-exporters.

with Tritonite

The whole sand market is changed


Proof of testing

Tritonite has multiple times been tested in different countries, by different third-party companies for any weaknesses. 

The finalised test-results however has all been positive, backing all our claims. Some simply referred to our product as being «revolutionary».


Secret blend

Triton Chemicals International owns the right to produce and license the secret blend that is Tritonite.


Laboratory tested

Tritonite has successfully gone through advanced testing in Germany and is one of a kind. 

We are also currently awaiting results from tests conducted in both China and the Middle East.

Triton chemicals international

A Few Words About Us

Triton Chemicals International Ltd (TCI) is a company with one primary goal: Changing the worldwide market for the building and construction business by introducing groundbreaking technology.

Triton Chemicals International owns the rights to a brand new product that will be a game changer in the international construction business

Thanks to our product,  concrete will now be stronger and waterproof.

Concrete using our additive, will also be waterproof. This is made possible using nanotechnology. 

Our additive will open up for the use of desert sand in building with concrete.  We decided to name the solution : “Tritonite”.